Spooky Black Velvet

Recette de cocktail sans alcool

What could be more appropriate than serving a dark cocktail during Halloween? In Victorian times, this cocktail was made to symbolise mourning. Nowadays, it is a fun and tasty cocktail for a spooky evening. 

Commandez à Alcoholvrijshop

Alternativa 0.0 Bianco Dry Bollicine        
Prix normal 9.99 Prix spécial 7.99
Guinness - Draught 0.0 Stout        
Prix normal 3.25 Prix spécial 2.93

Fournitures de mélange

  • Cocktail glass
  • Bar spoon


  • 150ml Alternativa 0.0 Bianco Dry Bollicine
  • 150ml Guinness Draught 0.0 Stout

Comment le préparer

  1. First pour 150ml Alternativa 0.0 Bianco Dry Bollicine into a cocktail glass
  2. Then add 150ml Guinness Draught 0.0 Stout
  3. Stir gently through the glass with a bar spoon and the Spooky Black Velvet is ready! 
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